Tuesday, January 7, 2020

LaChapelle At Venaria

The exhibition of David LaChapelle : Atti Divini had just finished, luckily enough we were able to visit it in time.

His works are often very colorful,vivid and often convey social messages, and not shy from nudity.

The exhibition was held in La Venaria Reale, which is about an hour away by bus from Turin.

Among the exhibited pieces were : The work he did for lavazza, with Michael jacksons, The Flood, The Last Super, The Rape Of Africa, The New Adam And Eve ...etc


Personally, I prefer the pieces which are not too 'loud', such as the 'Flood',  'Icarus' and 'Immersion' serie.

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Colourful, a bit odd at times, and what a setting.