Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Smallest Piazza

The world smallest piazza can be found in Turin, located in via carlo Alberto, attached to the church of Madonna Of The Angels.

In 1901 Carlo Ceppi modernized the façade of the Madonna degli Angeli church and the square of the same name in front, but at the end of the works he realized that on the side of the church there was a small patch of land owned by the town. 

Carlo Ceppi resolved the problem by creating a small square dedicating it to the Blessed Virgin of the Angels, practically an appendix to the Madonna degli Angeli square, thus involuntarily creating the most worldly square and a curiosity for Turin.

Location : Piazzetta Beata Vrigine Degli Angeli 

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Different, but fascinating.