Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Diner Garden

The Orto Urbano in piazza Filiberto is a vegetable garden created by the initiative and resourcefulness of private individuals who agreed with each other and with Coldiretti, who built and took it under management.

Thanks to the vegetable garden, agriculture regains spaces in the city, redeveloping areas once occupied by situations of drugs and degradation, replacing them with green spaces for citizens, students and moments of social entertainment, increasingly important in a context of a new model of development.

Every year,   Messer Tulipano contribute to the beauty of the Garden by giving away bulbs whose flowering will help bring the spring colors of the Pralormo Castle to Turin too.

This spring, without fail, the tulips are blooming beautifully in the garden.

However, something is different. Bars and restaurants near to the garden have started to place their tables and chairs in the garden, which means transforming the garden into part of their premises. So, does it mean that the garden will soon become only for the diners of the bars and restaurants? 

Location: Piazza Filiberto


Stefan Jansson said...

Hurrah for more green spaces in the city.

roentare said...

Beautiful street scenes with flowers