Sunday, January 26, 2025

Carnival Kick Off Parade

On Saturday, was the kick off parade for the Carnival 2025.A procession of characters in special costumes and masks gathered in the square in front of the Town Hall, and then they went along Via Garibaldi to Piazza Castello for a short procession, ending in front of the Cathedral.

Carnival in Italy is a farewell party to eat, drink, and have fun before the limitations and solemnity of Lent. About a month before Ash Wednesday, Italians celebrate over many weekends with parades, masks, and confetti

The origins of this event may be traced to ancient Greece and Rome, when they worshipped Bacchus and Saturn. Some think they date back to archaic winter-to-spring ceremonies. Despite its pagan origins, the event was so extensively celebrated and the tradition so powerful that it was swiftly altered to fit into Catholic rituals. 

Carnival in Italy is traditionally celebrated on Fat Tuesday, but the weekend prior features activities as well. The most famous Carnivals in Italy are those held in Venice, Viareggio, Ivrea, Cento, Apulia and Acireale. These Carnivals include masquerades and parades.

Although the origins of Carnival may be traced back to ancient Greek and Roman celebrations, it is associated with the Catholic world. In actuality, it is celebrated on holidays, the final day before Lent when feasting is permitted. Therefore, it does not have a fixed date, but rather relies on the day of Easter. 

 In different places, the celebrations grew into a party and a parade for diverse causes. Whether the higher classes were exhibiting their wealth with elegantly decorated carriages, or the poorer classes were following troops through the streets, Carnival evolved across Italy. Many Carnivals were prohibited in the 18th century, only to be reinstated in the 20th.  

Event : Carnival


roentare said...

I would love to be there photographing!

Stefan Jansson said...

So different from anything you would see in my area, a very colorful display, and I would also like to see one day.