Thursday, January 31, 2019

2028 Years of Turin

January 30th of 9th BC born Iulia Augusta Taurinorum, the current Turin. This is demonstrated by the research published online on the ArXiv website and conducted by the astronomer Mariateresa Crosta, the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF) in Turin and the archaeologist Sandro Caranzano, director of the Herakles Study Center in Turin. To determine this date we started from a measure obtained with GPS.

A precision Gps "has measured how it is oriented via Garibaldi, which corresponds to the ancient Decumano of Turin, compared to the east," says Crosta. The measure obtained corresponds to the angle in which the sun arose when the line was drawn to build the decumanus of Turin. In fact, according to the Roman and Etruscan rite, when a city was founded, the decuman was traced in line with the point where the sun rose.

Once the measure was obtained, the researchers calculated back the date when the sun rose at that precise point. To do this they have developed an ad hoc numerical program that has taken into account many variables, such as the fact that the apparent motion of the Sun around the Earth is not perfectly uniform but subject to oscillations that accumulate over the years, due for example to irregularity of the earth's rotation.

Thanks to this sort of time travel made by the "edge" of algorithms came two dates: November 11-12 or January 30th. Analyzing the archaeological documentation and the historical documents, the researchers believe that the most probable day is January 30th, because "it coincides with a particularly dear anniversary to Octavian Augustus, that is to say the peace party established after the conclusion of the bloody Alpine wars".

Once the day has been identified, the same program has allowed also to circumscribe the year of foundation, "which came out on 9 BC: a date very dear to Augustus and coinciding with the first celebration of the feast at the Ara Pacis in Rome in Campo Marzio ". Today Turin is 2028 years old.