Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Sushi By The Road

With the re-opening of the restaurants and bars but limited to serve only takeaway and dining in the open, restaurants and bars make use of any possible open space to setup tables for the diners.

Many take up car parking space and even pedestrian walks, causing some inconveniences for others.

A Japanese sushi restaurant across the street decieded to place their tables under the walk arcade along via Pietro Micca.

Although the tables don't cause much inconviences to the pedestrians, but those poor waiters and waitresses have to cross over the rather busy street in order to take orders and deliver the foods.

Furthermore, eating sushi so close to the traffic dosen't really appeal to me...

Location : Via Pietro Micca


William Kendall said...

Quite a setting, but not my cuisine.

Stefan Jansson said...

I am yet to try sushi. Pizza anyone?