Thursday, September 17, 2020

Monopattini The New Problem Of Turin

We have a mayor and her gang who so are much into sustainable transport that they implemented all kind of supports to promote the use of bicycles, electric scooters and regardless the inconviences created to the rest of the citizens.

These two guys on the scooter had broken two rules: travelling on the scooter with more than one person is not allowed and crossing the traffic light when it was red.

A commotion created by two guys on scooter speeding under the arcade where lots of pedestrians especially old folks were moving under the arcade. They were stopped by a group of  pedestrians and an heated argument was exchanged until a passed by police car was stopped by the people to assist to the situation.

First of all, although there are rules and regulation about using these sustainable transports, such as where they can travel, with what speed limit, where they can be parked etc. Unfortunately, these rules and regulations are not being enforced enough, so they are just as to say on paper. Secondly, no safety precaustion is obliged to follow by the riders, such as helmet, and the transports are not registered.

 Another couple travelling in two on scooter under the arcade ( breaking two rules ).

 A scooter parked in the center of the walk way under the arcade, just to show who is the boss.So, now we have shared scooters and bikes parked everywhere, blocking the walk ways, travelling on pavement and under the arcade like hell riders endanger the safety of the pedestrians, going against the traffic when travelling on the road, behaving like the master of the town, without caring about the consequences of their behaviour.

Scooters left on via Roma by people who used them just for fun, making the once elegant street looks like a playground.


Another group of scooters abandoned disorderly at the entrance to an arcade together with a shared electric bike.

The mayor has neglected the control over the system they implemented, setting rules to follow but not sending out autorities to check on the situation, to enforce the rules to be followed. So instead of a solution, they have created more problems.

Location : Torino center


Rockinon said...

I had an accident with my scooter and flew up and landed on the upturned handlebar. Ouch! I was wearing a helmet but I should have had on my other protective gear as well. I would never allow my granddaughters to ride their scooters among folk in a crowd. That is way to dangerous for all.

William Kendall said...

We have those scooters here too. I hope our city gets rid of them. They're more of a problem by the week.

Matty said...

Those rental scooters are dangerous. Some large cities have banned them. Here in Washington, DC, they are a real problem. And I am a huge supporter of public transportation. These scooters are toys. More buses and trains are the answer.