Sunday, October 14, 2012

Iphone 5

Does the crisis hit everyone?
It doesn't seem so, in Italy everyday in the news, they talk about how bad the economy is, how hard for people to make their ends meet. Yet, while passing by the newly opened Apple store (obviously not th one selling apples in the market), a long queue was formed outside to buy the new iphone 5.
Each time, they allowed only a certain number of people to get in and each time those managed to get in got a round of applause from the staffs standing at the entrance, so much to boost the ego.

The arrival of iphone 5, join the queue....

Well, I have to say, the crowd was much  lesser that what I have heard about in some asia countries....Maybe there is really a crisis in Italy.

Still, a queue to spend money for something not totally essential...Too bad I didn't manage to capture the satisfied and overjoyed faces of those who came out from the shop with their prize in hand.

I didn't stay long enough to see how long the queue was extended....

Maybe there is something I don't understand....


Virginia said...

I worked for Apple for a while and that's some big fun for the staff to "clap in" the customers. IT's a great company with great products, but you're right, the economy must be doing ok!

Julie said...

Wilf, did you have some sort of problem with posting in the last few days. We are trying to include 'Seeing Torino' in our portal, but we have you feeding through with 9 or 10 posts all at once. I am trying to find out if the problem is with our portal or whether you are changing your posting method. Let me know please via the "Contact Us" in the drop down menu on the portal here