TheGalleria San Federico,isa typical example of"free-standing" eclectic buildingrepresented in majorItalian and European cities. Itssetting, withthe "T" plan, provides threeaccess roadsfrom the surroundingVia Bertola, Via Roma and ViaSanta Teresa.
Itis spreadover six floors, four of which areabove ground,plus itsmezzanineandattic.The coverfeatures aelliptical vaultceilings surmountedby domesatthe three entrancesanda large central domewhich dominatestheentrance staircaseof theLux Cinema.
These two photo were taken with cell phone, my first time. Atstreet levelarenumeroushomebusiness premises, whilethe mezzanineandupper floorsrepresentative offices andprofessional offices. ArampmailVia Bertolaleads to the twounderground floorsusedas a garageandstorage area.
An evening walk across the Vittorio Emanuele l bridge, the sky was getting dark and the lights along Murazzi and the river side were starting to light up.......
A shot made on a clear day along river Po, after days of rains, the river was high and the rush of flow over the small dam across the river created quite a spectacular view........
“A Tutto Vapore”, 39° Modellismo Ferroviarioexhibition organized by Arcamodellismo Torino in collaboration with Associazione Torinese Tram Storici in via Assarotti 6.
Had fun visiting this year Paratissima exhibition at Esposizioni Torino, so many art pieces, both traditional and weird art, some pretty amazing and some just bizarre, nevertheless creative.
The25VERDEisa special building located in between Via Gabriele Chiabrera, via Correggio and via carlo Marenco.
Its terracesaccommodate150tall trees, in addition to the40hostedin the courtyardgarden, the facades are protected by aventilated wallmade withlarchshinglesnatural splitandstrips ofwoodthat pavethe large terracesfilter the raysof the sunin summer,while in winterallow light topass throughthe large windowsof the appartments.
The treesfollow the naturalcycle of the seasons, growingday by day, protect from noise,create an ideal microclimateinside the buildingand mitigate thefluctuations of temperature insummerand winter.They produceoxygen, break down fine dusts andinterwovenwiththe"organic" metallic structuresthat hold thewoodendecksandterracesconveyrecoveredrainwaterfor irrigation, provide lifetothis unique building.