The Christmas season lights are up on the streets, many have been transferred away from the center, to areas where nobody goes, especially after dark. The remainings are trying hard to bring up the atmosphere of the season, initially in via Roma, the main street which directs people from the main train station to the center was not inteneded to place any lights, but after some protests, they found some lights and fixed them up the street.
Transgender Day of Remembrance, as per last year, Torino held the Trans freedom March in November.
is particularly important this year to take this occasion to remine us
of treating people with respect and kindness, with equality and no
discrimination, since the present government is heading towards
spreading hatres and discrimination towards minorities.
often people says : Be who you are, but then when regarding sexual orientation or wanting to be the gender you identify yourself to be, many still can't simply accept and respect individual's choice.
A static and peaceful manifestation, similar to an artistic performance."The Cube of
Truth" took place in Piazza Castello, in Turin, an event which through a method that triggers the curiosity
and interest of the public, it tried to guide the spectators towards the
vegan choice through the use ofmovies related to
local and usual practices of animal exploitation, and the use of an
approach inspired by the sale of a product.
Masks, cartels and printed material were distributed to raise awareness during the event.
is essential, explained the organizers, to wear black clothes suited to
the climatic conditions.
the courtyard of the Rettorato (entrance from via Po 17 and via Verdi
8) it is possible to visit the Radura installation designed by the
architect Stefano Boeri. Radura is an idea of public space for decongestion in which to stop, rest and wait. Radura is the project of an open space with a permeable perimeter, located within a larger open space. Radura is an urban device to dilute the intensity of flows and movements. Radura is an experience of sound atmosphere in counterpoint with urban rhythms.
to the work of art, information points and projections about the situation of the forests in Italy and on the importance of the
management of the wood, the installation is in fact realized within the
IV National Congress of Silviculture that had taken place in Turin from
the 5th November to the 9th with several off events including meetings, screenings and a walk through the woods of Turin.
In Turin , on a façade at Porta Palazzo emerged a whale made of waste , or rather a sperm
whale, judging by the features and the vertical way of diving, which
leaves only the typical tail out of the water.It is the work of streetartist Mr Fijodor who comes from Liguria, and he is
familiar with the sea and its inhabitants, including those of the
Sanctuary of Cetaceans that is right in front of his city of
origin, Imperia.
As the Goal 14 of the 17 Global Goals to be reached by 2020, to promote awareness of the unsustainability of the current model of development, from
an environmental, but also economic and social point of view. The Goal 14 - life below water is entrusted to Ligurian Mr Fijodor with his work which focuses on the sea and its creatures. The Goal 14 has among its many objectives that of prevention and reduction of marine pollution of all kinds. The artist writes:I
have interpreted the theme of Goal 14 - Life Below Water - placing a
whale as the main character, the largest marine mammal but also one of
the most vulnerable. She
is for me to represent the fragility of the marine ecosystem and to be
the spokesperson of the distracted and short-sighted exploitation of
men.Even its location is anything but random.The
wall is located in via Cardinal Cagliero, or between the area of
Balun and the Porta Palazzo market in Piazza Della Repubblica. It is said that "if Turin had the sea the port would be right here, at Porta Palazzo". Life
below water wants to be a denunciation, a personal synthesis and at the
same time a huge circle of hope for life and for the affirmation of its
For the theme day, I have this photo taken last week in via Mercanti, where 3 friends were enjoying a after meal chat at the restaurant ' Cantina Barbaroux '.