Friday, June 21, 2024

Torino Pride 2024 Pt 1

Torino pride was on the 15 of June. As usual, the parade passed through the street under our block.

We were in a vantage point where we could watch the parade from above without having to push through the crowds.

 Event: Torino Pride 2024

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Museum Lavazza - The Atelier

The Fourth sector of the exhibition route is The Atelier, with the Carousel, the sets and the testimonials of the advertisements and with the media interactivity of the cameras.

A unique area, whose images and installations give the impression of a film set. Here, young visitors can attend educational workshops, while adults rediscover some iconic characters from their childhoods: Caballero and Carmencita, the legendary stars of the unforgettable Italian TV show “Carosello”. They can also admire the history of Lavazza calendars, created through collaborations with the world’s most famous photographers.

Location: Museum Lavazza

Friday, June 14, 2024

Museum Lavazza - La Piazza

The third sector of the exhibition route is La Piazza, which showcase the design and different types of macchine for the coffee.

Celebrating coffee in all its forms

Here, the ritual of coffee is celebrated through Lavazza icons: the espresso, the espresso cup, coffee design, the “autobar” coffee van, and the Carmencita coffee maker. From the first espresso coffee machine to espresso in space: coffee is seen in all its forms, not just as a liquid, thanks to the creative flair and passion of those who work every day to bring innovation to the world of coffee.

Finally, a corner where it all comes together: design, history and the cutting edge, a preview of the Atelier.

Location: Museum Lavazza

Monday, June 10, 2024

Little Taste Of France

A weekend market of france products at piazza Carlo Alberto.

From cookies to wine, from Scarves to soaps, a little bit of France for the weekend.

Location: Piazza Carlo Alberto

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Last Day Of School

Apparently Friday was the last day of school before spring(?) break.

Here, the boys and girls were celebrating at piazza Castello, getting themselves wet.

I don't know when this tradition started...

Location: Piazza Castello

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Museum Lavazza - The Factory

The Second sector is The Factory: A journey through coffee and culture. With the sounds, colors and aromas of coffee; from plantations to harvesting to the production and distribution methods of the different varieties.

From the plant to the espresso cup, here we can explore the production process that makes up the coffee supply chain. Colours, sounds and aromas from the different stages of the coffee life cycle: from the plantations to the harvest and all the way to Turin, for processing and distribution. Visitors will learn about the essential roles performed at every stage, as well as the quantity of elements that are needed for sustainable, high-quality work.

Location: Museum Lavazza

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Festa della Repubblica 2024

Festa della Repubblica (English: Republic Day) is the Italian National Day and Republic Day, which is celebrated on 2 June each year, with the main celebration taking place in Rome. The Festa della Repubblica is one of the national symbols of Italy. 

The day commemorates the 1946 Italian institutional referendum held by universal suffrage, in which the Italian people were called to the polls to decide on the form of government following the Second World War and the fall of Fascism. 

The ceremony of the event, organized in Rome, includes the deposition of a laurel wreath as a tribute to the Italian Unknown Soldier at the Altare della Patria by the President of the Italian Republic and a military parade along Via dei Fori Imperiali in Rome. 

Location: Piazza Castello