Sunday, April 5, 2020

Lock Down The Twenty-Sixth Day

26th day, Saturday. The morning spring sun is warm and very pleasant. Is already April, looking at the almost empty and deserted street, yet can't really feel the joy of Spring.
Time to head to the pharmacy again.

There are two ways to go to the pharmacy from home, both ways are more or less the same distance.

Turn right will head towards the traffic road, which is wider and more straight forward, with bigger shops and has a more urban feel.
Turn left will leads through the narrow and small alleys, the buildings are quaint, shops and restaurants are more characteristic and unique.
Chose to go left.

Restaurants that were usually packed are now closed. Occasionally, one or two person passed by with their dog or with their grocery bags, the only shop which still opened is the bakery.

Out of the alleys, one reaches the Townhall, further down is the IV Marzo square which is surrounded by resturants and bars that are of course now closed. It does seem much larger without the tables and chairs placed outside by the resturants.

The liveliness and noises of the place have been replaced by moodiness and silent.
The heavy door of the cathedral beside the pharmacy is tightly closed.

 Location : via Mercanti/Piazza IV Marzo/Duomo/via XX Settembre

1 comment:

JudithK said...

You have said a lot in few words (often less is more, when it comes to words), and even more with the photos. Thank you again.