Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Lockdown The Forty-Third Day

The 43rd day. It was raining.
Woke up late and had to go to the pharmacy before noon to retreat some medicines.
Turin is a beautiful city, elegant and not exaggerated. Even under the shadow of the pandemia, just added a sense of quieteness to her beauty.

The rain was fine but more abundant than anticipated, the streets were wet.

Stepped out of the pharmacy, walked towards the cathedral, the old man who was begging under the wall had gone. The door to the cathedral was tightly closed.
The holy church was left alone saoking under the rain 

Walked towards the piazza Castello where there were the two palaces. There was nobody walking around the piazza, except occasionally someone rode on a bicycles crossing the piazza.
Both magnificent palaces were just standing there under the rain with no more queue of people waiting in turn to admire them.

The streets were wet, the palaces were wet and the churches were wet....

Location : Via Pietro Micca/Duomo/Piazza Castello/Via Garibaldi

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Your second shot is my favourite.