Monday, April 27, 2020

Lockdown The Forty-Eighth Day

48 days. The whole day was sunny until near evening, rains started to pour down and it might be raining until Friday.

As usual, we seldom go out on Sunday, but today we went out to the nearby supermarket just to top up some stuff. I saw that people were already starting not to obey the restriction of the lockdown so strictly. There was a notice by the entrance of the supermarket about each family ( group ) are allowed to have only one person enters to do the shopping, but saw some obviously couples were going in and out together.

The arcades are one of the characteristics of Turin. They are high and wide, with plenty of light shining through one side, except that between via Roma and via Po.
Due to the shops on both side of the arcade, the stretch of arcade leadings from via Roma to via Po can be quite dark. Thanks to the shop windows, there are sufficient lights provided, until now.

The other day on the way back from shopping, passed through the arcade. All the shops were closed, so no light from their windows, the arcade was dark and gloomy. It was deserted and empty, with some light penetrated from outside through the openings between some shops. The contrast of light and shadow made the darker places even more gloomy and depressed.

Outside the arcade, across the street is piazza Castello, a favourite place for locals and tourists to hang out. Although it was a very pleasant and sunny day, the piazza was empty, no one was around in the piazza.

Loacation : Piazza Castello



William Kendall said...

The arcades are fascinating.

Stefan Jansson said...

Spooky without the people.