Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lockdown The Forty-Ninth Day

49th day. Monday. Rainy day, 
The whole day was dim and gloomy, it was the kind of rain which kept coming down, not heavily, but kept going the whole day.

The rain might be able to clean up the air, but it surely has no effect on the Coronvirus.

Yesterday, the Prime Minister Conte had announced the starting and the restrictions of the 2nd phase of the lockdown. 
Quite a number of criticism and dissatisfactions have arisen. 

The pandemia in Italy is showing sign of slowing down, but the spreading is still high and people are still dying. It has no sense to reopen everything all at once, reopening has to be done in phases. 

Many people just too concentrate on their own problems and refuse to look at a bigger picture. They want the reopening to be soon and full, well, the virus might come back to attack soon and full too.

Perhaps, people should take the chance to get out onto the street, place themselves under the rain to clear their minds.

Location : Via Pietro Micca