Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Lock Down First Day

Yesterday was the first day of the total ( in the sense of whole Italy ) lock down, people are advised to stay home as much as possible, no gathering, shops are to be closed after 1800 hours, in case of necessity to go to places like the supermarket, please keep a distance of 1.5 meters from any individual.

Well, I did have a need to top up my asian food stuffs. So I went towards Porta Palazzo for the chinese shops.
I do remember asking one of the shops if they will close up the shop due to the public panic, they said no, since their customer base is mostly the Africans. ( I think they meant the Africans are less likely to discriminalise the Chinese for the Convid 19 )

The streets are not deserted, but pretty obvious that there were much lesser people around, the percentage of people with masks does increased however.

There were lesser stalls at the open air market, but still there were people buying.

The first chinese bar that I had been to was closed, further down turn left where there are the chinese grocery shops, doors closed. Every single one of the chinese shop is closed, some with notice on the door stating that for the health of the public they have decided to close the shop temporary.
Even the one that said they won't close, is now closed.
So, I will have to go without asian food till the beginning of April. 

Location : Corso Regina Magherita ( Porta Palazzo )

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I wonder if it'll wind up going that way here.

I actually live in my city's Chinatown, but haven't noticed anything different as of yet.