Thursday, March 19, 2020

Lock Down Ninth Day

Day Ninth. Didn't go out, morning just stay on the balcony and looked out to the street. Seemed to have more cares, 3 cars to be precise at that moment. A man was walking slowly on the pavement on the opposite side. The bed of the apartment on the second floor was still not made, and the guy staying there was talking on the phone in the other room.....

Actually, I seldom go out to walk around, usually when I  get out of the house, it is for work, to shop or to the gym, therefore the lock down isn't really so suffering. One thing that I miss is the feeling of being free to be out, now whenever I go out, I just have the feeling of guilt, as if I am doing something wrong.

P.S. Some photo are not taken in these two days.

Location : via Pietro Micca/via Monte Di Pietà

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

A new variant on the movie Rear Window.