Thursday, March 26, 2020

Lock Down The Sixteenth Day

The 16th day. The weather was rather indecisive whether to be cloudy or to be sunny, the spring was still hestitating whether to arrive or not, the spring flowers were already in blossom and yet there came the Siberian winds.

Looking down from the usual balcony, there were as usual few people and cars.
An old man slowly crossed the road, went to the mailbox across the street, and dropped a letter. What was the message?  
With the speed of Italian post service plus the current situation, I wondered when will the letter finally reach its destination....

Before noon, looking down from the usual balcony again, an old man with his back slightly hunched, was dragging a seemingly full trolley bag slowly crossing the street.

Realised during the lockdown, there are quite a numbers of older adults on the streets, either alone or in couple, some even waiting for buses. Why are they out and where are they going in this critical time?

A pandemic is spreading, and the older adults are in a group that is more vulnerable to become victims. It is really inadvisable to go out.

Are they mostly living alone that they have to do the errands by themselves or they are just bored to stay home all the day long and just needed to stretch their legs, or....?

Location : Via Pietro Micca


JudithK said...

Thank you for your continued thoughts and photos. The only good news I have for you is that it is possible that the deaths in Italy are on the way down according to the statistics I read today. That doesn't mean there won't be more to come, just no increases.....

William Kendall said...

Hopefully things really do start trending down.