Friday, March 20, 2020

Lock Down Tenth Day

Day No Ten....
had to go to pay an electrician for the work he had done for us some time ago, so just arranged to meet him at the door of my block, so I can hand him the payment.

The street was empty, pretty empty, at that moment, there were only two persons waiting at the bus stop in front.

The arcade was empty and looked large than usual, it seemed.

Later, went on the balcony on the side of the courtyard. No one from the other blocks was out on to the balcony, it was quiet and really peaceful, unlike normally when we could heard people talking or working.
It was peaceful and the sun was bright, just the type of morning I like, I could even hear the birds singing from some distance away. Is just like Spring.

Suddenly, I was thinking of the 'otaku' in Japan who hasn't been out for a long time. In this situation, how would he feel at this moment?

( Some photo are not taken today )
Location Via Pietro Micca

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

I know it's not, but the city feels abandoned.