Thursday, March 12, 2020

Lock Down Second Day

Lock down 2nd day

Yesterday had to go to the pharmacy to collect the medicines, so I went.

Along via XX Settembre, the usual row of shops were mostly closed, not many people on the street.
There are only two Africans waiting at the usually crowded bus stop, behind them the 'All You Can Eat' Chinese-Japanese restaurant was closed. Further down the tobacconist's shop was closed with a notice stating that due to both the owners are in isolation.
The Indian provision shops were opened.

Entered the pharmacy, was told to stay further away from the customer at the counter or just wait outside the door. 

On the way back home, walked through piazza Castello, a father was playing football with his little son in the piazza, a mother was walking a toodler , a lone photograher was taking photo of the closed door of the Royal Palace. Some people rode across the piazza on their bicycles and some just walked across. Speaking the truth, the piazza at this hour, is pretty normal to have fewer people around.
There were some policemen on duly in the piazza and they were the only one gathered in more than 3 persons in a group.

The tourist Information Center was closed. Most bars were still opened but tomorrow they will be closed.

Location : Via XX Settembre/ Piazza Castello


Jack said...

Stay healthy, Wilf. Italy is just ahead of the rest of us.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Strange to not to see ppl out and about.

William Kendall said...

It feels too quiet.