Sunday, March 22, 2020

Lock Down The Twelfth Day

Stayed home the whole day. Received a bad news in the morning, a dear friend of us had passed away in the ICU. She was in her 80+, was suffering for some illness for quite some time, she was sent to the hopsital because she was not feeling well, then she was tested positive and they placed her in the ICU.

 The day before, after the pharmacy, I actually went to the market at Porta Palazzo to get some fruits. 

It is just a short distance from the cathedral and have to walk pass the ancient Roma Gate, Porta Palatina. 

The market is usually crowded and the stalls are many and close to each other, and there are all kind of people, including lots of pickpockets, so usually I try to be very careful when I am there.

There were fewer stalls at the market and they were arranged spaciously between them. The stalls own by the chinese and italians seemed to have disappeared.
People were actually very compliant to staying in a safe distance between them in front of the stalls, No rushing, just orderly. Perhaps it was also the fact that there were policemen and police car around
Only the food stalls and shops were opened, the other stallsand shops were all closed, afterall, people have to eat to live.

All the way home passed through the Galleria Umberto I and via Conte Verde, both were pretty deserted with only few people around. I did however encountered some Africans and Gypies asking for money.

Daily news reports on the number of people recovering, infected and deceased can be staggering, especially regarding the death toll. However, when these numbers are connected to people we know, when these numbers match with familiar faces, then the real sense of relevant arises, is it then we can really feel the sadness of how close the crisis is onto us.
These are not just numbers, they are individuals who had a life, had families and friends, had history, had future, who had loved and be loved....


Location : Porta Palatina/Galleria Umberto I/Porta Palazzo

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