Saturday, March 14, 2020

Lock Down Fourth Day

A message received visually in the afternoon on the street : Whatever the game, let the joy win.

Morning at about 1030 am, looked down from the balcony to the street below. Few people, a man was waiting at the bus stop on the right side; the bus stop on the left, two women were sending messages with their cellphone, both were standing, at a distance apart.
Ocassionally, one or two cars passed by unhurriedly.

Went down to the other apartment around the corner to have some works done. The street was rather quiet, nobody was waiting at the traffic light by the street. Just the four traffic lights standing there facing each other.

On the pedestrain street, restaurants and shops on both sides were closed. A woman was playing ball with a little boy and a woman with mask passed swiftly with her head down. 

The janitor was not working, she will be off till god knows when....
From the windows of the apartment, 2 - 3 people can be seen queuing up orderly outside of the entrance of the supermarket, waiting for their turns. Each maintined a distance of approximately one meter between them.
A distance away, a woman was taking a selfie with her cellphone, with her gloves and mask on.

Near evening, got to buy something at another supermarket, but there was a long queue at the entrance. Not worth to queue up for an hour just for an item.
There was another branch of the same supermarket just further down on the other street, so went there to try my luck.
No one was queuing up at the entrance, no one was inside the supermarket, just a chinese girl at the cashier and a guy working inside the store.

The cheerful chinese girl informed us politely that we couldn't go in together or we could if we kept at least a distance of a meter between us all the time. She worried that there might be policemen checking on them. No problem, we are not siamese twin. She was content.

So, the two supermarkets of the same company, just few distance apart, one was with long queue waiting at the entrance and the other one with nobody.

Location : Via Pietro Micca/Via Monte Di Pietà/Via Mercanti/Via Milano

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Your country will be glad when this has all run its course.